Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Late Night Pick: Walk the Moon

Tonight, check out Cincinnati's indie dance rockers Walk the Moon on Late Show with David Letterman at 11:35 PM on CBS. Their latest single was picked as one of Esquire Magazine's "11 Songs a man should be listening to this week" so they got that going for them.


  1. Thanks for the heads-up! I'm super excited the album came out today because it feels like I've been waiting so long. It's truly great. I saw them in concert last week and they were so fun, passionate and down to earth and I think they have a super bright future. :)

  2. I was so happy to see Walk the Moon on David Letterman! Can't believe how big these guys have become and that they are being featured on Vevo Lift! http://www.vevo.com/lift/walk-the-moon#USRV81200200

  3. Thanks for sharing the link, MacKenzie!
